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The Milliere valley

Integral biodiversity reserve

Actor for the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem restoration 2021-2030:

Millière Valley Association, France

Home: Welcome

The Millière Valley Association is very happy to be part of the Actors of the Decade for the Restoration of Ecosystems, set up by the United Nations, since June 2022. 

To know more about this movement:


Genesis of the project

Several years ago, the inhabitants of the valley had the pleasure of being able to observe herds of deers, many birds, and a very rich fauna and flora in the humid plain of La Millière. The bottom of the valley was then carefully landscaped to create a meadow where horses grazed.

When these lands were put up for sale, the Arthus-Bertrand family seized the opportunity to buy them in order to "give them back" to wild fauna and flora and to be able to refind the wet plain that Yann Arthus-Bertrand came to admire as a child, alongside his grandmother. It therefore has been decided to make this 28 ha site, of great naturalistic interest, classified as a Natural Zone of Faunistic and Floristic Interest, available to the Millière Valley association, in order to carry out an experimental renaturation project. 

Photo Rudy Bueno

Photo Anis Leone

Rivers and wetlands represent a remarkable heritage and provide many ecological services: self-purification of water, biodiversity, regulation of floods by natural overflow and absorption, living environment, observation of fauna and flora. They are among the most threatened natural environments, locally and worldwide.

On a plot of 1.4 ha, adjoining the reserve, an educational garden will also be developed: the Jardin des Partages (Sharing Garden).

A garden with an agriculture respectful of life and biodiversity, based on the foundations of permaculture and living soil to show the strong link between biodiversity and food.


This experimental project is led by the Millière Valley Association, in partnership with the University of Saclay (Systematic Ecology Evolution laboratory) and the Haute Vallée de Chevreuse Regional Nature Park.

Scientific Research

In partnership with Paris Saclay University

Scientific research finds its place in the Valley with two priority projects:

Identify the species present on the site, draw up an inventory and monitor the evolution of the populations.  Over time, it will thus be possible to quantify the impact of the reduction of human activities on the site.

Study the impacts of climate change and global warming, both on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Public reception, only with previous reservation

Coming !

Raising awareness and sharing knowledge about our planet and its inhabitants are central topics for Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The site will therefore be open to the public, so that young and old can admire the return of the animals to the Millière Valley.

However, the welcome will only be in very small groups, with previous reservation in order to disturb as little as possible the species that have taken up residence in the Millière Valley and the quiet situation of the place and neighborhood. No spontaneous visit.

In order to welcome the public in the best possible conditions, the buildings on the site are being renovated and refurbished.

All work is carried out using a circular economy approach that promotes recovery, second-hand and repair.

Solar panels will be deployed allowing the site to be self-sufficient in energy while the rainwater will be collected and used to irrigate the Jardin des Partages. A model and demonstrator site!

Aquarelle Rewild YAB-2.jpg

Millière Valley site project in the architectural design phase

by the associationthe Francophone of solidarity 



A demonstration and experimental site


The whole project will constitute a demonstrator site of regional dimension for the Natural Park, for the attention of elected officials and managers of natural areas, as well as a place for raising awareness of the general public and a more informed public (associations, ecology students).

A garden-orchard following the principles and techniques of permaculture will also be developed on a 1.4 ha plot adjoining the plain. It will be an educational and experimental space which may also be the subject of scientific research.

The renovation of buildings in a circular economy and based on energy autonomy and water recovery will also be a model of its kind.

A unique scientific opportunity


This site constitutes a unique scientific opportunity for setting up and monitoring the evolution of biodiversity within the framework of a process of renaturation by different techniques calling on different ecological engineering approaches.

It will also make it possible to study the impact of global warming year after year on local biodiversity.

Renaturation refers to the processes by which living species spontaneously recolonize an environment that has suffered ecological disturbances. It also designates development operations consisting in restoring the “good” ecological and landscape condition of sites.

A place of nature in free evolution


The first stage of the project will consist of an environmental inventory, including site mapping, topographical, geological and hydrological analysis of the site and analysis of plant and animal biodiversity.


Based on these analyses, a renaturation plan will be drawn up. It will make it possible to initiate various ecological restoration works. Part of these spaces will be left without human intervention, it will be a question of raising awareness of the concept of nature in free evolution.


The long-term objective is to maintain the open environment by restoring the wetland and a naturalness of ecological and evolutionary processes. 

Help other renaturation projects

Thanks to this project, the Vallée de la Millière association intends to acquire the skills and benefit from the feedback needed to support similar projects at the national level.

It thus aims, in the long term, to support other people in their projects to create areas for the protection of biodiversity.

The latest images of the Millière Valley
Summer 2022

images made from camera traps

Été 2022

Hiver 2023

A year of life in the Millière Valley

© 2022 Realized images  Rudy Bueno - music composed by Armand Amar

Cartographie des habitats répertoriés sur la réserve

Cartographie habitats EUNIS Millière A4 2023.png

The "Sharing Garden" of the 
Millière Valley association

As its name suggests, the Sharing Garden (Jardin des Partages) is a place of exchanges with people and biodiversity. Its roots draw its energy from a common desire to create a sustainable world for all living beings.

Projet Jardin-BD.jpg

Drawing based on an original idea by Tom Arthus-Bertrand

Directed by Monsieur Marguerite - Romain Vayson de Pradenne

Suite à de nombreux facteurs liés à l'activité humaine, la biodiversité sur terre tend à s'appauvrir, voire même dans certains cas à disparaître. L'agriculture industrielle, omniprésente et standardisée est en grande partie responsable de cette extermination généralisée du vivant.

En opposition à l'agriculture dite conventionnelle, de nouveaux systèmes agricoles s'inspirant notamment des principes de la permaculture voient le jour. 


La Permaculture est une philosophie de vie mais aussi un mode d'agriculture fondé sur les principes de développement durable, se voulant respectueux de la biodiversité et de l'humain et consistant à imiter le fonctionnement des écosystèmes naturels.

Le MSV (Maraîchage sur Sol Vivant) fait partie de ces nouveaux systèmes agricoles innovants. C’est un ensemble de pratiques et de techniques qui vise à maximiser la vie du sol (ver de terre, cloporte, limaces …), afin d’aggrader, d’aérer et de rendre naturellement fertile le sol.

Des apports conséquents de matière organique (broyat, feuilles, tonte, compost…) et un travail du sol limité (afin de préserver la vie du sol) en sont les fondements.

Photos Anis Leone

Pour vivre "avec" et non plus "contre" la nature, l'ambition première de ces nouveaux agriculteurs est de réconcilier une production agricole abondante et saine avec une biodiversité luxuriante et diversifiée. Et ce, sans faire appel aux nombreux intrants utilisés par le monde agricole ntensif (pesticides, fertilisants...). La nature n'est alors plus un ennemi mais devient un allié puissant et résilient face aux changements climatiques, sociétaux et autres (...) qui nous attendent.

Photos Anis Leone

Afin d’accueillir et de maintenir cette biodiversité sur le lieu de production, plusieurs possibilités sont envisageables: 

  • Des zones de biodiversité

  • Des nichoirs 

  • Des points d’eau

  • Une large diversité de végétaux

  • Des trous dans des morceaux de bois

  • Des arbres morts et tas de bois

La beauté naturelle du monde qui nous entoure est au cœur du design de ce jardin. En plus d’avoir un intérêt écologique, les nombreuses zones fleuries qui le dessinent et les habitants qui le composent forment un tableau aux couleurs variées et inspirantes.


Le Jardin des Partages a pour vocation de sensibiliser et d'instruire sur l'urgence de sauvegarder et de renforcer la biodiversité qui nous entoure.

La production alimentaire du Jardin n'est donc qu'un support pour faire passer des messages fondamentaux (la vie du sol, la saisonnalité, l’alimentation…). Mais c’est aussi un moyen de collecter des données (agronomiques, scientifiques…) pour aider au développement de ces systèmes agricoles d’avenir.

As a result of many factors linked to human activity, biodiversity on earth tends to be impoverished, and in some cases even to disappear. Industrial, ubiquitous and standardized agriculture is largely responsible for this widespread extermination of life. In opposition to so-called conventional agriculture, new agricultural systems inspired in particular by the principles of permaculture are emerging. 


The Permaculture is a mode of agriculture based on the principles of sustainable development, respecting biodiversity and people and consisting in imitating the functioning of natural ecosystems.

The MSV technique (Market Gardening on Living Soil) is one of these new innovative agricultural systems. It is a set of practices and techniques that aims to maximize the life of the soil (earthworm, woodlouse, slugs, etc.), in order to aggravate, aerate and make the soil naturally fertile.Substantial inputs of organic matter (shredded material, leaves, mowing, compost, etc.) and limited tillage (in order to preserve the life of the soil) are the foundations.

The primary ambition of these new farmers is to reconcile abundant and diversified agricultural production with lush and diversified biodiversity. And this, without using the many inputs used by the agricultural world (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.). Nature is then no longer an enemy but becomes a powerful and resilient ally in the face of the climatic, societal, (...) changes that await us.

In order to accommodate and maintain this biodiversity at the place of production, several possibilities are possible: 

  • Biodiversity areas

  • Birdhouses 

  • Water points

  • Wide diversity of plants

  • Dead trees and pile of wood


The natural beauty of the plant world is at the heart of the design of this garden, in addition to having an ecological interest, the many flowery areas that draw it, form a picture of varied and inspiring colors. 

The SHaring Garden aims to raise awareness and educate on the urgency of safeguarding and strengthening the biodiversity that surrounds us. Food production is therefore only a medium for conveying fundamental messages (the life of the soil, seasonality, food, etc.). But it is also a means of collecting data (agronomic, scientific, etc.) to help develop these agricultural systems of the future.The goal is not to judge the practices of the current agricultural world but to highlight those who offer more sustainable alternatives.

It is aimed at an audience sensitive to ecology as well as plant and gardening enthusiasts in general. The farm aims to inspire visitors 

  • To consume organic and local food 

  • To welcome biodiversity in their outdoor spaces 

  • And above all to encourage them to put their hands in the ground in turn.

Photos prises en Février 2023

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